Sunday, November 8, 2009

It is a rainy day!

The other day my fortune cookie said that a house without books would be like a house without windows. Nowadays we might say that a house without the internet is like a house with windows, which is probably why Microsoft calls their software Windows.

Now, I will get back the the subject of books again. What book has Ellen been reading recently anyhow? I have been reading The Gift of Prophecy by Ruth Montgomery. I bought the book used via the internet, my window to the world. Now I have the book, so my house has windows thankfully.

The book is about the life of Jeane Dixon. I saw Ms. Dixon on the Letterman show years and years ago. She made an interesting prediction about Letterman's life, but since it was bad news, she said that she would talk to him about it offstage. Anyhow, Jeane Dixon really does have the gift. But it does not mean that her predictions are always accurate. Perhaps the future changes when people are warned, and they think about it more. Ms. Dixon said that when her predictions were incorrect, it happened because her interpretation of the symbols was not accurate. And she uses her psychic abilities to help people, and I think that she was just a wonderful, sweet person.


  1. I vaguely remember Ms. Dixon, there was a time in my life that I thought I was'm always a little leary of those that claim to be, such as Sylvia Browne

  2. Thank you for dropping by. I used to watch Sylvia Browne on the Montel Williams show. In person, I like her, but I do not always agree with her interpretation of events. I think that she has good intentions. To me that is what is most important because I have met many psychic people who have had bad intentions towards me. I am sure that it can be a burden to be psychic, because sometimes even if you see that something will happen, you may not know when it will happen, or how to stop it, so it still can be impossible to prevent a major problem even with good intentions.

  3. I stay away from psychics...I think they tell you what they think you want to hear.
    I think that only God knows our future and if we were supposed to know things ahead of time he would have blessed us with that gift.

    On the subject of books, right now I am reading The Beach House by Jane Green.

  4. Perhaps you will write about Jane Green's book on your blog soon. I have not heard about it yet. I read different kinds of books, mostly biographies. They won't all be about famous psychics. I obviously am also interested in movie star bios.
